Scott Stowell Alumni Excellence Award


2013 Mike Napolitano Marist College
2015 Michelle Turenne James Madison University
2017 Jen Costello University of Pittsburgh
2019 Sarah Fitzgerald Towson University
2021 Todd Hoff The University of Akron
2023 Paula Kyser University of Mount Union

The Scott Stowell Alumni Excellence Award recognizes the continued dedication and service to Kappa Kappa Psi by alumni brothers who are neither elected nor appointed members of the fraternity’s National Leadership.  The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association seeks to recognize unsung heroes who exemplify the honor of service within our fraternity through their devotion of time, energy, and spirit while volunteering as advisors, mentors, and role models, their professional advice and networking support to other members of our fraternity, and their encouragement of active brothers toward greater participation and growth in band programs and as members of Kappa Kappa Psi.  The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association will confer the award to one recipient once per biennium, with this recognition made at National Convention.

Alumni members, including life members, become eligible five years after they last held Active, Associate, or Conditional status in the Fraternity. The Fraternity’s District Governors, National Council, Board of Trustees members, and KKPsiAA Board of Directors members are ineligible for two years after they last held any of these leadership positions.

Nominations for this award may be made by (i) chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma, (ii) local alumni associations (“LAAs”) of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma, and/or (iii) individual alumni and life members of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma.  The submission deadline for nominations is May 15 of odd-numbered years (as National Conventions occur on such years). Eligibility as described above will be verified as of that date. The form below can be used to submit nominations for the Scott Stowell Alumni Excellence Award.